Friday 17 April 2015

Super Tonic Foods That You Can Make At Home

What's the super food that is good for? Some people think directly to seaweed, but it's not very common to everyone unless you have live next to the sea. However, there is a super food that can help with any the human body system. From cold and flue to the more serious illness. It's a prevention measure more than a acute treatment of dis-ease.

Here's a formula that you could use today and it makes a great salad dressing that you could incorporate into your life.


- Fresh Cayenne (Capsicum) 20%
- Fresh Ginger Root 20%
- Fresh Garlic 20%
- Fresh Onion 20%
- Horseradish (searadish) 20%
- Organic Apple Cidar Vinegar (Depends on the amount use)


- Chop all the ingredients up to small cube/pieces (Use a blender if you want)
- Mix all the ingredients all together.
- Pour in the Apple Cidar Vinegar above the ingredients.
- Let it soak for 14 days (New moon to full moon)
- Filter the liquid once or twice to get all the solid out with a drainer and/or filter paper.
- Enjoy!

Keep refrigerated and the liquid should last you at least 6 months.
Drink 10ml a day to get the benefit of super tonic food and kiss the common cold goodbye.

Source: This super tonic food is from Dr Richard Schulze

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