About Us

We are health and wellness coach. We believe that prevention is better than cure. There so much miss information about foods and about the human body basic physiology that the public is confuse of what is fact or fiction.

Most of the so called academic about health is based on theories and you don't want to be the guinea pig of the allopathic (alternative doctor) community implementing their theories on you. Remember you only one life in this world at least in this world.

We believe in the Hippocratic vow that "Do no harms." and "Let's the foods be your medicine and medicine be your foods." All doctors should have these sayings display in the office and reflect on it everyday when the public entrust in them for their well being.

We want to educate and empower the public to make the right decision about their own health. A detox program can regenerate cells and tissues that only a practitioner that have gone through the program could understand. All our practitioners have done a detox on themselves and you get first hand experiences not some theories It is real and empowering to you. Isn't time that you empower yourselves about your health. Who else in this world have a vested interest than you are?

Check out what are the requirement for working with us. You don't have to work with us but we here to assist if you want it. Check out what's is a detox program with us entails. You can use our information and runs with it. The most important thing is to get started.

We see you in Healthville.

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